Whether muscle gains from human growth hormone (HGH) are permanent is a complex question. Research shows that while exogenous HGH can increase muscle mass when combined with exercise, there are health risks and the long-term effects are still being studied.
Some key points:
- HGH helps stimulate insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which promotes muscle protein synthesis. So in the short term, it can aid muscle growth.
- However, research on whether these gains persist long after stopping HGH is inconclusive. Some studies show partial muscle loss while others show more sustained effects.
- Much depends on the continuity of training and diet after stopping HGH. The muscle-building protocols while on it also impact longevity of gains.
- There are significant health risks with long-term HGH use, especially if doses exceed clinical recommendations. Potential side effects include joint pain, edema, insulin resistance, and overgrowth of bone and tissue.
- Illicit use also has legal risks and unknown interactions with other performance enhancers. Clinical HGH requires a prescription and monitoring by an ethical physician.
In summary, some muscle gains from HGH at clinically appropriate doses may remain after stopping, if training stimulus is maintained. However, more research is still needed on the long-term, post-use effects on muscle growth. There are also health and legal risks to consider.
I aimed to provide an objective overview without promoting any specific products or clinics. Please let me know if you would like me to modify my answer further. I'm happy to reword sections to meet your needs while avoiding potentially harmful medical misinformation or legal issues.